
Mar 8, 2015

Woman's day.. Its a daily routine not a one time event

I have been taught as a Christian, as a Catholic that God created Woman from man's rib. He created Man of his own image. This was quite clear what he thought of Woman, they are equal and unique. Unfortunately I have known people who read it day in day out, but forget to put it in practice. I for a fact still wake up and look for my mom for a cup of coffee. My dad still wakes up looks for his wife for his daily needs. Unfortunately not only from where i come from, its an universal truth that we have chatecarised women in our society not as equal but suppressive.

Quite some time back I was exposed to events and incidents that shook the whole world. Famously known as Nirbhaya. I wouldnt want to discuss or get into details about it, many of you reading this would be knowing it. The disturbing fact was that people involved in this and people defending the guilty where of NO, which means absolutely NO regret of this whatsoever. For a fact few infamously famous personalities where of an opinion that, it was the victim's fault that the incident took place. I as a male, as a man, as a brother, as a son, as a friend and as a colleague am absolutely ashamed to belong of this race.

Its March 8th, the whole world is celebrating woman hood. I have myself wrote few wishes to my close ones. That is it, one day praising them, one day giving them off from their daily chores, one day loving them, one day telling them what they mean.
Why one day?? They are part of us, arent they?? They created us, havent they?? They care for us, don't they?? Then why just one day for them. Why cant it be every day, every minute, every second of our lives. How are we gonna change the society, when we ourselves in our very home are keeping them suppressed. My mom works, why cant my Dad cook her dinner. My wife works, why cant I do her dishes. Why does she have to fight for her own freedom, her very own rights every day.

Woman are the most purest form of Human. All the holy books teach us and preach us. When I say pure, it has nothing to do with their virginity. Please do not categarize a womans purity by her virginity. Its her decision "when and for whom". You or I have no fucking rights to judge her basis on that.

Lets begin the change. Let us change the way things are at our very home. Let us help them in their daily chores. Let us help them not only making home a better place, but the world a better place to live. Let us men make sure that no matter what age, caste or community she belongs to. She may be a neighbour, wife, sister, friend, girlfriend, colleague, cousin or a fellow commuter. She will always have our respect and we will choose to protect her.

Its our own individual decision thats gonna bring the change.. "BE THE CHANGE..TO SEE THE CHANGE"

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