
Aug 11, 2015

Bleeding beauty

Have heard that behind the most beautiful monuments and scenic landscapes is history of War and bloodshed...
Is this the reason why my heart bleeds whenever I see her?


His soul weiry and tiered
Her soul pure and true
And.. They made love
Best intimacy ever!!!

Somethings jst wont let go

His heart ached when she said "I DO". His eyes moist and voice num he replied "YOU MAY NOW KISS THE BRIDE"

Aug 3, 2015

Happy friendship day

The day I met her... Stands fresh in me..
A puzzled soul was all I could see
Have I made it through?? Pls help me God!!
Was her prayer quite evident and loud..

Wasn't her pretty lookes that caught my sight
It was her restlessness which was cute Jst enough fr that night

Congratulations!!! Was the first word I said.. Thank you!! She replied surprisingly stunned and a smile of relief was adding on to her gorgeous self

Seldom did I know ... that would be the start of a beautiful relationship... the Almighty has ever blessed me with...

Every minute.. Every day that I was with you are memories that would stay with me till the very end.

Even at the end of time When I have to bid goodbye... Remember I will have a smile and these were the memories that I last thought...